8. 8. 2014 | Mladina 32 | Žive meje
Samo v Sloveniji
Naslednjič, ko boste celoten narod označili za ovce, razmislite, ali ni ravno vaše blejanje tisto, kar ga dela ovčjega
»I’m Slovenian and I’m ashamed of this total fucked up country. I lived abroad with my family for several years and when we came back two years ago things got even worse. If you don’t know yet this nation is the most functional illiterate in the entire EU. They are selfish, lazy, and without any human respect to the others, hypocrites and small minded. Half of them adore Pope and other half communism. Just a little minority of us (I consider my self as a normal) respect others regardless where they come from. Within a year this bloody country will collapsed financially and morally. And I’m glad. As Slovenian I can only say - fuck you Slovenians.«
Zakup člankov
Celoten članek je na voljo le naročnikom. Če želite zakupiti članek, je cena 4,2 EUR. S tem nakupom si zagotovite tudi enotedenski dostop do vseh ostalih zaklenjenih vsebin. Kako do tedenskega zakupa?
Pisma bralcev pošljite na naslov pisma@mladina.si. Minimalni pogoj za objavo je podpis z imenom in priimkom ter naslov. Slednji ne bo javno objavljen.